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Case #24-1037484

  • Legal Area

    Adult Guardianship Conservatorship

  • County

    Robertson County

Robertson County Guardianship - Client would like to apply for successor guardianship of her son (the Proposed Ward), who is autistic, low-verbal and has violent tendencies. AP's father (C's ex-husband) was legal guardian (filed in Montgomery County) of AP, but he passed away on December 31, 2023. The Proposed Ward currently resides in Brenham State Supported Living Center - Robertson County- (aka Brenham State School). The Proposed Ward was voluntarily enrolled in this school by his deceased father/guardian. The school provides 100%, 24/7 care for people with mental disabilities - including medical, therapy etc. The Proposed Ward's SSI is signed over to the school to offset costs of his care. The Proposed Ward has one adult sibling, who is not contesting this guardianship.

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