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November 2, 2021 by Natalie Cochran

LSLA Reverses Decision for a Child Denied Medical Benefits

Eulise, uncle to Jose, became Jose’s caretaker in February while still receiving Medicaid and SNAP benefits under the parent’s household. The uncle, Eulise, reapplied for Jose’s Medicaid Benefits, disclosing he was the caretaker of the child, and was then denied benefits.

At thirteen, Jose lived with his father for a while until he contracted Covid-19 in 2020, and then they were evicted because he contracted Covid-19 a second time. CPS placed Jose in Eulise’s care in February 2021. Jose’s parents signed a power of attorney document, giving Eulise the right to take care of Jose, as requested by Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS also asked Jose’s mother to have Eulise enroll Jose in school and take care of him in terms of housing, medical and food needs.

Eulise Medicaid and SNAP in March and May of 2021, and was denied both times because Jose was already receiving the benefits through his mother. Elizabeth Green, Staff Attorney at Lone Star Legal Aid, appealed this decision asked to have Jose certified for benefits under Eulise’s household, and the appeal was granted. Eulise can now provide housing, medical care and food to ensure that Jose lives a happy and healthy life.  

“I appreciated the services LSLA has assisted me with. I am also thankful that Attorney Green was able to solve the issue of getting the children’s Medicaid,” Eulise said.

*Name(s) have been changed to protect the client’s identity.

Communications Assistant at Lone Star Legal Aid | + posts