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October 2, 2023 by Natalie Cochran

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Every1KnowsSome1 – A Month of Action

October is not just a month; it’s a movement. The month marks a significant time of year for survivors of domestic violence. Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is a way for survivors and advocates to connect across the nation, working to end violence against women, men, and children. This year, on October 19, 2023, DVAM will encourage people and organizations to participate in a range of activities nation-wide.


This year’s theme is Every1KnowsSome1 because 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men nationwide have suffered either physical and/or sexual intimate violence in their lifetime. DVAM is an important month to recognize safe relationships and observe ways to end the cycle of abuse.



The Day of Unity is now recognized on the first Monday in October. On this day, people reflect on where we have been and where we are going in the movement to end domestic violence. October 2, 2023 is marked as the historical Day of Unity and is dedicated to activities that will spark awareness and conversation, mourn those lost to domestic violence, educate the public on current DVAM awareness projects, and celebrate survivors.



Go Purple Day or Purple Thursday is a National Day of Action each year in October for DVAM. Everyone is encouraged to wear purple as a symbol of courage, honor, survival, peace, and personal ties to domestic violence awareness. On October 19, 2023, you can do this by wearing purple to stand up against intimate violence and family violence.


Stay tuned to our blog and social media channels throughout the month for a wealth of empowering videos and resources, designed to inspire, inform, and support our community in the fight against domestic violence.


DVAM isn’t just a month; it’s a call to action. Join us, stand in solidarity, and let’s end domestic violence together.




Lone Star Legal Aid (LSLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit law firm focused on advocacy for low-income and underserved populations by providing free legal education, advice, and representation. LSLA serves millions of people at 125% of federal poverty guidelines, who live in 72 counties in the eastern and Gulf Coast regions of Texas, and 4 counties in Southwest Arkansas. LSLA focuses its resources on maintaining, enhancing, and protecting income and economic stability; preserving housing; improving outcomes for children; establishing and sustaining family safety, stability, health, and wellbeing; and assisting populations with special vulnerabilities, like those with disabilities, the aging, survivors of crime and disasters, the unemployed and underemployed, the unhoused, those with limited English language skills, and the LGBTQIA+ community. To learn more about Lone Star Legal Aid, visit our website at


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